the Carrier BUS site!


the PLAN.....

The plan includes raising the roof between 12 and 16 inches to accomodate wiring, cabling, duct work junction boxes and whatever else I can't think to mention at the moment. We're going to remove the rear door since we need the space for a closed in flush.  The sink and shower will remain open to the bedroom so that it does not feel all cut up. 

BusPlan.gif (10517 bytes)

So this is the Plan.  As you can see, the driver will have about 4 feet x 4 feet to function in.  The Living Room and Kitchen and Dining area will all be open with 39" x 72" Sliding Thermopane and Bronzed Safety Glass Windows on both sides of the coach.  More about windows later.   Although it does not show on the plan, the flush area will also have a sliding window.  The bedroom will have 39"x 48" Sliding Thermopane and Bronzed Safety Glass Windows also. 

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