The Carrier BUS site       



    the DREAM

    the BUS BARN

    Buses we looked at.........

   the BUS, 1979 MCI MC5C

    the PURCHASE

     the PLAN (floor plan)

    Removal begins with.........

                Seats, Ceiling Panels July 2002

                Windows August 2002

    Re-Construction..........(Underlined items link to another page)

               Underlined items link to another page

                Lifting the Roof    September, October, November 2002

                Installing the Siding    January, February 2003

                Repairing the Rusted Inner Panels    April 2003

                Installing Electrical Boxes    May 2003

                Doing the Foaming job inside the bus and 1 basement bay  June 2003

                Installing the Plywood on the Walls and Ceiling        July 2003

                Installing the 1 inch Hard Foam panels and Floor Plywood        August 2003

                Window installation        September 2003

                Installing the the Original two piece door as a ONE Piece Door    October 2003

                -------          The following items have yet to be built into a HTML document, but will be.

                Beginning the Cabinetry in Hard Rock Maple        November 2003

                More and more and more cabinet work        December 2003

                Beginning to Poly the Hard Rock Maple        January 2004

                Installing Electrical Panel and Wire and Receptacles        February 2004

                Kathy starts Wallpapering        February 2004

              ** The FINISHED Project (actually about 95%)        August 2004

                The Steering Box upgrade    February 2005

                Wrapping the Coach in Avery A9 Opaque Vinyl    October 2006  This will be on display soon!


                More to come..... Stay Tuned

    Painting the Bus...............

                Paint the Bus Ideas    See what you think... Email me your thoughts!

                GuyCarrier at



    Coach for Sale