the Carrier BUS site!

the Purchase!

It was June 14th, 2002 and it was Friday Morning!  Kathy and I had planned for this day for about 3 weeks and I had planned to work Wedneday and Thursday prior on getting a tow dolly and loading up the car with "all" the tools I figured I might need in case we broke down on the way home.   I got a tow dolly and put a "plate" on it and at 1pm we were "on the road".  We drove through the rain and heavy traffic headed for Camden New Jersey.  We arrived in Camden about 9 pm and pulled into a Friendship Inn that Kathy had arranged earlier in the week. We got up a 7am and headed for ABC Bus in Camden NJ to pick up my bus.  I had purchased it sight unseen!  Mike Laffam of ABC gave me the option of backing out even though the monies were already paid.  I said no, let's finish the paperwork and get me the bus.

It seemed to take an hour for the mechanic Carlos to get the bus out of the back 40.  I heard it coming and when I saw it, my heart sank!  OH GOD! What did I buy?   I quickly calmed myself down and had to also remind myself that we were not buying a "cosmetic" job here! We had bought a bus infrastructure that we were going to mechanically and cosmetically alter to our wants and needs.  PHEW! 

Carlos walked me through the entire bus.... Brakes, Fuel, Air compressor, Oil filters, Air conditioning, Heating, Heat Valves, Door operators, Windshield Washer and Wipers, Seat adjustments, Cargo bays, Evaporator coils, Starting switches, Lights, Directionals, the horns (air and electric) the Automatic Transmission,  Power Steering fill and sight tubes,  the Mitre box and level indicator and called my attention to the double roof system.  He did it all and then some.  I was pumped!

After he was done, I installed the prefab (in my shop) trailer receiver system so that Kathy and I could ride in the bus together and tow the car home.  Here are some pics..............

ABC1.jpg (73612 bytes)ABC Bus, Federal St, Camden, NJ
ABC2yard.jpg (68953 bytes)I really wanted one of the busses on the right!
ABC3yard.jpg (61626 bytes)Or the one in the middle!  ($24,000)
ABC4MikeLaffam.jpg (114108 bytes)Me and Mike Laffam (ABC bus) and MY BUS!
BusRear1.jpg (102324 bytes)Carlos (shop foreman) walks me through all of the controls and informs me about fluid levels, starting switches and on and on and on.
Dash1.jpg (113451 bytes)Driver's area.
HitchInstall1.jpg (140609 bytes)After the tour, I begin the Hitch installation.
HitchInstall2.jpg (123670 bytes)One hour later, the Hitch is installed.
ReadySetGo1.jpg (80051 bytes)All hooked up and ready to roll.ReadySetGo2.jpg (67383 bytes)Final checks, We're headed home!
HeadedHome1.jpg (80653 bytes)On the road headed NORTH!
HeadedHome2.jpg (63928 bytes)Light traffic! Northbound.
HeadedHome5.jpg (86108 bytes)CAUTION! Woman driver! No matter what she tells you.... She was pretty pumped! Driving her own bus!
ParkedForBreakfast.jpg (104911 bytes)We stopped for breakfast on Sunday morning!   Ours is the one parked near the fence, out back!
KathleenLeft1.jpg (102089 bytes)
Home1.jpg (159901 bytes)Home sweet Home! Doesn't she look happy.  Just like a new puppy!  Worked hard all her life!  Now she's ready for a facelift! 

We will let her rest a little while and then we'll begin her re-vamp!

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